Chief Sassaman Essay

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Chief Sassaman,
Thanks for the reply and no worries on the reply time. I understand that you have a lengthy tasking as being the head of the municipal police force.

That makes sense about using the motorcycle police units as your enforcers of traffic violations. I used to see this one motorcycle officer near the Les Schwab and he was unique in the way that he always had his coffee with him and drinking it on his bike. Thankfully, I have not been on the receiving end of police enforcement since I am quite a literal driver and drive according to the literal law. Sometimes this drives my wife up the wall, but it keeps my kids, wife, and I safe on our short commutes.

Honestly, I don't know of a single hot-spot that is rich in traffic violations …show more content…

With the University, the population must fluctuate some degree during the year which, I would assume, makes coordinating staff a challenge. I understand you have your citizen's auxiliary which is for public relations and disabled parking violations, but would you offer a job that is more geared towards traffic saturation and enforcement for specific operations. I would think that during operations, it would be preferred to not pull too many officers off of standard patrol and duties, so having a 'reserve' type of unit for events would help. Also, I know of your reserve program, but I'm not sure that would be a middle-ground fit for what I'm thinking. I was a combat medic in the Army, so I have some training - more than an average civilian - when it comes to holding a armed force/first responded position. I understand that those qualifications are not enough and would require further training, but with school, I would not have time to go through the academy - in the full time frame - and then become a full-time officer. Thoughts? Sorry if that is a bit of a stretch on the liability or logistic area. I'm sure that the local veteran community would likely sign up for a group such as this and would be quite sui generis to law

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