Cheating Vs. Non-Honors/AP Students

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The article noted that there are a higher number of honors/AP students who cheat than non-honors/AP students. In one instance someone had taken pictures of an exam and texted it to others along with the answers. Sixty students in a physics class were caught cheating, mostly honor students, including some of the class Top 10. High school occurrences of cheating have received more attention and the cheating rates are high among the AP and honors students. The article goes on to talk about a professor from Stanford University who formed a group to help prevent students from feeling they have to cheat to get ahead and succeed; that succeeding in school is all that matters.

For instance, many of America's top companies and professional graduate programs recruit exclusively from the top colleges. Which means that if you don't get into one of these schools, you won't have a shot at any number of opportunities. In turn, given growing inequality and spreading insecurity -- given that it's mainly the top 10 percent of the labor force that has gotten most of the income gains in recent years while ordinary households are ever more squeezed -- failing to be a top high school student can have negative lifelong economic ramifications. (Callahan, 2012) One high school teacher was quoted as saying. "I am still coming to terms with cheating as a cultural norm." (Callahan, 2010) …show more content…

One recurrent theme in these students’ comments is a sense that the deck is stacked against them. They see a prestigious college as the only gateway to a good life, and they believe they need stellar transcripts and mile-long lists

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