Cheating Is Wrong

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Over the course of my high school career, I've learned a few things that have helped me survive this personal hell of mine. Such as how to ditch school, how to write my essay last minute, how to get excused from a tardy, and how to properly cheat on a test without getting caught. I'm obviously kidding on all subjects listed above. I would never do immoral things that could affect me later in life. Never have I looked up summaries of books on infamous websites such as Sparknotes. Cheating is for buffoons who aren't serious about their education...Or maybe cheating is for kids who care too much?

My thoughts on education changed through the course of time and I perceive it much more differently than I had the beginning of my freshman year. Before …show more content…

Schools across America told their pupils to get good grades or they will never get out of their hometowns and experience the world. Schools drilled into student’s heads that if they don’t study and make it to the top ten, they will be a nobody. I have to disagree with my school’s philosophy. As film director Stanley Kubrick once said, “I think the big mistake in schools is […] using fear as the basic motivation. Fear of getting failing grades, fear of not staying with your class, etc. Interest can produce learning on a scale compared to fear as a nuclear explosion to a …show more content…

When it’s not, school can be grueling and will lose the focus of students. Many teachers in the Blackfoot High School, of whom I will not list, hand out worksheets and expect students to learn by this method of “teaching”. There is no interaction between the teacher and student, often leaving the child uninterested and not given insight on the curriculum. More often times, students begin to believe that the teacher doesn’t care and begins to lose faith and interest in education. It’s not always the school’s fault, sometimes it starts within the

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