Characteristics Of A Good President

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In our world we've had forty-five presidents including some presidents were bad and some were good. And the point for a president to be good it needs to have characteristics and good leadership so he can role the whole United States. According to John Adams he said "To be good, and to do good, is all we have to do" and that's true for presidents because if you don't do good then you're going to be bad and have a bad role model to all of your people. Presidents need to be a good person.

In a good president their has to have good characteristics. A good president needs to have a good education about school and what is politics. Because if you don't know anything about politics then basically you don't understand how the government of the United States works. When you become president in the State of the Union Address you need to talk about how that government is going to role because then it will hit a disaster. Presidents should be trustworthy and wisdom committed. Because they are followed by millions and millions of people looking for words of wisdom. They need to be trustworthy because the people didn't voted for a president who isn't trustworthy and is just going to be telling it's citizens …show more content…

Because no one wants a president who mumbles while talking in front of Congress and the Senate. It sounds like your not confident on what your going to say. Perhaps no one will believe what your saying because your nervous and shy about saying something in front of millions of people. An additional important attribute is intelligence because you don't want something gone wrong. Like if you want to send a nuke to North Korea but accidentally send it to China then you have to fight two wars instead of one war. Most people want a president who is smart and has good characteristic like leadership and who actually knows what is a Political Party. Every president in America has a prone of being only male

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