Cause And Effect Essay About Alcohol Addiction

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Alcohol Addiction is people who drink abused alcohol every day and they may not stop to drink because they feel that they need it. Alcohol addiction can lead to severe effects because they become worst with passage of time if person do not seek treatment. Many causes make effects of alcohol addiction that are not good for people. Many effects of alcohol addiction are not good for health and community. For example, alcohol is too expensive and cost a lot of money, so people whom alcohol addiction will lose their money for buying alcohol. Furthermore, when people drink a lot of alcohol and become addiction of alcohol, they will lose their mind because alcohol is not healthy and alcohol has a lot of brain damage. Moreover, alcohol causes several diseases and some of them may kill people whom addiction of alcohol. This essay shows what causes and effects of alcohol addiction and the causes are too expensive, unhealthy, and diseases so the effects are lose money, lose mind, and death. …show more content…

When people buy something, they may not buy if it cost a lot of money and there is another important thing to buy. Many people buy alcohol these days and some of them addiction of alcohol. These people who addiction of alcohol and they drink a lot of it, they will spent a lot of many because alcohol is too expensive. According to Excessive Drinking Costs U.S. $223.5 Billion, (2014) stated “The cost of excessive alcohol consumption in the United States reached $223.5 billion in 2006 or about $1.90 per drink. Almost three-quarters of these costs were due to binge drinking.” It cost a big number of money and people do not now about it. People who drink a lot of alcohol may not think about effects of alcohol addiction such as lose their money because they addict and they drink all the time. People who lose money, they will not live successful life because the money is an important thing in

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