Cats In Ancient Egypt Essay

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Cats in Ancient Egypt

In Ancient Egypt cats would avenge the gods. The cats would avenge the gods by ruling for them since the gods are not there to rule. There were many breeds of cats in Ancient Egypt’s culture one of them being lions. Cats domesticated themselves in Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt tamed many breeds of cats and worshiped them.
Cats partly tamed themselves
Humans only helped tame cats a little. According to Jenny Hill “Their diet changed somewhat when cats were provided with food from grateful humans”. This shows that when the humans gave the cats food they got use to it and changed what they ate. Also according to Jenny Hill “breeding program heightened certain characteristics in the wild animals”. This shows that when …show more content…

According to Jenny Hill “The jungle cat (felis chaus) and the wild cat (felis silvestris lybica)” were two breeds of cats in their culture. This shows the types of cats that they tamed and the types of cats that were available in the area. Also, according to Jenny Hill “the two species eventually merged creating a new breed which is closely related to the modern Egyptian Mau”. This shows another breed of cat that was created by the other two species which is close to a modern day cat. To conclude they tamed many breeds of cats.
Egypt worshiped cats because of pests
The reason why egyptians worshiped cats were because cats kept pests under control. According to Petcentric they had “asps hiding in clay jars, rats have been spoiling massive amounts of grain,venomous scorpions creeping under cradles”. This shows that they have pest problems. Also according to Petcentric “cats may have actually saved a whole civilization from starvation and disease”. They could have saved a whole civilization from starvation because the killed the pests who were stealing the egyptian's food/grain. They could have saved them from disease because they killed venomous snakes which carry disease. Also because of that they partly kept their civilization alive. To conclude they were worshiped for killing

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