Catholic Funeral Narrative

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As the sickly-sweet smell of incense wafted up from the chambers of the thurible and into the rafters of the church, I just thought I was doing my job. Since fifth grade, I have been serving alongside priests as an altar server, and then an Master of Ceremonies (MC). As an altar server I have assisted the priests through many rites of passage including matrimony, funerals, and masses of remembrance. I also have carried the processional cross for Sunday mass. As an MC I directly aid the priest in the mass. The Funeral Mass started like any other. As I prepared the Altar with the necessary sacramental vessels, I took a second to peer out from the sacristy to see the congregation. Unlike any funeral I had served before then, the congregation was overflowing with family, teachers, and friends. Then it was time for the …show more content…

In a Catholic Mass, the homily is like a sermon, however, in a funeral the homily is the priest’s eulogy. During the homily I looked out on the congregation and saw many of my friends crying, and heard her sister’s unstifled sobs in anguish and despair at her Megan’s passing. I tried to put myself in her shoes to try and feel what she was feeling at that moment, but I was unable to imagine the enormity of the impact on her life this had made. After the homily was the Liturgy of the Eucharist, which is when Communion is consecrated and distributed to eligible Catholics in the congregation. Finally, the closing procession, where we process out of the church, and back into the sacristy. As we were clearing and setting the Altar for the next mass, I reflected on the mass that I just served. It was at this point that I realized the enormity of what I had just participated in. I walked out of the church into the fresh air, and reflected on how life is short, and how you need to take opportunities when they are presented to

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