Catholic Church's Role In The Holocaust

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You may know about six million Jews were killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. What you might not know is that the Catholic Church was involved as well. The terror that occurred will forever go down in history.
The Holocaust was the mass murder of millions of Jews leading to the second world war. It started January 30, 1933 and ended May 8, 1945. The definition of the word Holocaust means destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. The Holocaust was caused by the Nazis and their infamous leader, Adolf Hitler. Not only did Hitler target Jews, but the mentally ill and disabled were also victims. His goal was to create a completely pure Aryan Race. Many Jews and non-pure people were forced to leave their homes and families. They were taken …show more content…

A large amount of people went to extermination camps, where they would eventually be killed. The most effective way for the Nazis to get rid of large amounts of people was to use gas chambers. People would be told they were being taken to shower and deadly gas would come out of the shower heads instead of water. When the killing was done, the bodies would be burned in crematoriums that could dispose over four thousand corpses a day.
Catholics played an important role in the Holocaust. Many tried to help the Jews escape and hide them from the Nazis. These people were called righteous gentiles. The Vatican hid four hundred seventy-seven Jews during the war. Another four thousand two hundred thirty-eight were hidden in church monasteries and convents. If Catholics had not tried to help the Jews, the few who survived may not have survived.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe is an example of a true righteous gentile. He was a Polish priest who founded many monasteries. He organized a hospital at one of his monasteries when Germany invaded Poland to hide Polish refugees. His hospital was later shut down and he was arrested. He was transferred to the Polish extermination camp, also known as, Auschwitz. When guards wanted to starve ten of the men at the camp, one of them pleaded that he had a family. Maximilian graciously stepped forward to take his place and instead of being starved, he died for the man by lethal injection.

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