Carl Rogers: Helping Relationship With The Client

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Carl Rogers believed that maintaining a strong relationship with the client. Having a good relationship would help the sessions go out by smoothly and also your client will be able to open up more. A helping relationship is so important in any relationship because both the counselor and also the client need to be able to come into a session and be able to be nonjudgmental and also be able to communicate with each other on a personal level. A helping relationship needs to be healthy and welcoming.The major characteristics Carl talked about was congruence, positive regard, empathy each one deals with how to have a strong bond and connection with your client.

The first characteristic Carl talked about was congruence, which he said was the important key to having a helping relationship and also having the counselor become more developed when it comes to their feelings on the inside and also the outside. Carl talked about how being genuine and real. The counselor has shouldn’t have any walls up nor should they show that they don't care. Being congruence means their need to be a connecting between both the counselor and client. Also both need to have a shared connection when it comes to feelings and also their thought on everything. …show more content…

You need to be able to respect the client as a human being, You want to make them feel as they're doing a great job, that they are doing their best. When it comes to counseling you don't want to come off a judgmental person. Its already tough for the client to be able to come in and talk to someone they don't know and be open about it. You have to be patient and also be willing to look past the clients issues and be as helpful as you

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