Career And Technical Education Essay

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Career and Technical Education in the Classroom Today, school is supposed to act as a medium in preparing students for their lives in the workforce, yet the way school is taught has not changed in over one hundred years. Career and Technical Education is one example of something that can help students to learn in areas that they may be interested in. Today there should be a change in the way school is taught to help students. In a world that is becoming increasingly more technology heavy, where students are expected to keep up with current demands, more multimedia, computer technology, and engineering classes should be offered to help students focus more on careers that they want to pursue.
Basic education principles have not changed for over one hundred years. The core of school has not changed even though some changes have been made. In the fifties to the sixties some aspects of these changes have become apparent, such as bridging the gap in the races, and connecting boys and girls to all be taught by the same teachers. In this day and age students are expected to keep up with the schooling system while also keeping up with extra curricular activities, like band, sports, and clubs. This is not all students will need to do while in school. Students in schools have social lives, and they have a …show more content…

Some examples of the variety can be seen when looking at classes such as Health Science, where students are taught about the body and where students move to Nursing Fundamentals where students are taught about health science, and what the student may need to do about Other classes that can fall into the CTE brand would be all Computer Engineering and Technology Classes (CET), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math classes, or STEM classes that are offered (Philip). There is a wide variety of classes that can fall into all of these

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