Canadian Immigration Policy Summary

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This article written by Fleras gives a lot of insight to how the Immigration Policy Canadian’s follow today came to be. The policy we see today has come along way from the racial discrimination roots to finally being more accepting slowly from the 1950s and beyond. I really liked how the current immigration policy has three distinct purposes. The first purpose mentioned is to reunite families. I think it’s great that Canada has family embedded into its immigration policy as leaving one’s country behind also includes leaving family. Canada allows people not only a safe home for themselves, but also reunited people who have been separated. Nonetheless, the process is not easy. For some, it takes longer than six months depending on how immediate the family members are. For others, they require DNA testing to ensure that the information being provided is authentic. This part of the policy plays into a small number of Syrian refugees who are sponsored in Canada as they may have …show more content…

The article uses the word ‘obligation’ which tells the reasons that Canada is responsible for the global community. This benefits our society because we able to integrate more people from different parts of the world to add to our multiculturalism. Additionally, humanitarian obligations are primarily where we see the 25 000 Syrian refugees being a part of that allowed them to come to Canada. It is no surprise that Syria is in a bad state right now and million have fled. Canada opened its doors as a sanction to the Syrian people to offer them a place of safety away from all the war and destruction. Additionally, the immigration policy goes beyond just allowing the Syrian newcomers across borders, they set up various resources for them to ensure that their transition into this new country is smooth and as easy as possible. Of course, naturally there are still many challenges that come along the

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