CD Osgood Scripture

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In the words of CD Osgood,

Scripture reveals that in the beginning God, by His Word, made from nothing all things, and left His judgments unsearchable. God’s way is past finding out. His way is in the sea, His path in great waters, and His footsteps not known. God did not blindly create the heavens, nor the earth, nor all they contain, nor leave the outcome of anything to chance. By The Word of The Lord, He made the earth by His power, stretched out and established the heavens, founded the earth and established the world by His wisdom. He hung the earth upon nothing, formed the mountains, created the wind, and made the morning darkness. God created the hills, fields, fountains, the dust of the earth, clouds of the heaven, moon, stars, thrones, dominions, principalities, powers, things visible, invisible, and all that are in heaven and earth. They were made for Him and created for His pleasure. God makes peace, creates evil, and made the wicked for the day of evil. He made one blood all nations of men to dwell on the earth and determined the bounds of their habitations and times before appointed. He made the animals, the fish, the fowl, to teach, tell, and declare what He has wrought, in whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.

Who is there other than God who created all that exists? Tell me if …show more content…

Or why did He create the earth? Stated in Isaiah 40:28 "there is no searching of His understanding." His Holy Spirit is The Author of The Holy Bible, and through Him, the Scriptures were penned by forty writers. In His Word is the gift of knowledge, which He is pleased to reveal to those who will search it out. He will give to us that which He wants us to know. Listen to the voice of God as He tells us of His creation. "He made everything beautiful in his time:" Ecclesiastes 3:11a. This Master Painter brought His artistry alive before us in mostly His favorite colors of blues and

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