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When thinking about bullying the usual stereotype of a large kid picking on smaller kid and taking his lunch money may come to mind. While this is still an accurate depiction of what bullying is, the issue is much broader, including such forms as physical, verbal, social, and now even cyber abuse. Each of these types are very harmful, and should not be taken lightly by schools, parents, children, or anyone. The results of bullying may seem like it only affects the bullied individual, however it can impact a family and even a community in a way worse than ever imagined.
Probably the most thought of version of bullying is the physical abuse side, because of how easily recognizable it is comparatively. Physical bullying is pretty straight forward including hitting, pushing, spitting on, stealing from, etcetera. These actions happening alone are not bullying though, for these events to be characterized as bullying the victim must be targeted continually, the bully must intend to affect the person, and there must be some imbalance of power (physical). At school is the most common place to be physically bullied. One third of high and middle school students in the United States reported that they have been bullied there along with 70.6% of them having witnessed it. Of that percentage physical incidents were listed as the fourth most prevalent behind name calling, teasing, and rumor spreading (bullying). Physical bullying happens more often between boys than girls, yet it still happens with both genders. Males are more prone to inflict someone with violence than the other sex. Also, there is a bigger gap in strength from male to male than from females, making it easier to use that as an advantage. The victims of physical bullying are al...

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...sly end it but it’s just not yet possible to solve. This question is not for me to answer and maybe not you either. The purpose of this essay was merely to inform you on the topic, possibly leading to you helping prevent these aggressive actions in our world’s schools.

Works Cited

Bradbury, Ray. “The Utterly Perfect Murder.” The Stories of Ray Bradbury. New York: Knopf, 1980.
816-822. Print.
“Bullying Statistics 2014.” Nobullying.com. 2014. Web. 21 April 2014
Kaplan, Karen. “Coaches bully young athletes more often than you think, experts warn.” Los Angeles Times 13 January 2014. Print.
“Physical Bullying.” Bullyingstatistics.org. 2013. Web. 6 May 2014.
Stuart-Cassel, Terzian, Bradshaw. “SOCIAL BULLYING: Correlates, Consequences, and Prevention.” Safesupportivelearning. 2013. Web. 6 May 2014
“Verbal Bullying.” Bullyingstatistics.org. 2013. Web. 6 May 2014.

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