Are Bullies Responsible For The Victim's Death?

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Should bullies be held legally responsible if it resulted if it resulted in the victim’s death? Should bullies be responsible for the death of some students teen out there killing them self because they feel that this one person make them feel like there are nothing, also study have shown that teen all over the united states there are many student getting bully.
Bullying can form of behavior, such as physical or verbal, intended to scare, or harass another person. The behavior is usually repetitive can extend over a long period of time. “Bullies are the devil madness such as a pain of the neck all they want is to have power over their victims, either physical or social” (Francey hakes) Bullying has always existed in schools and in a myriad of other environments from the home to the workplace. In the past, it was viewed as a harmless right of children all over the word that they have to get dig down and toughen up. But in recent …show more content…

But after all say in done the lesson is that some student should not be listen to what the bully are saying because if you think about they talk probably and what they are trying to do is what every they just want to let all their angry on someone instead just talking to someone some bully do it because it bring them pleasure so they like the fact when some get hurt or their victims.
The opinion of the people is that bullies should be charge and need to be teach a lesson because if you think about the bully going to hear it but they don’t care they want blood they want to make someone feel their pain. In reality the student need to learn to talk to people don’t seek revenge and then kill yourself that not going to solve no one

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