Buidula Fedu

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Imagine doing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Getting out two slices of bread, spreading peanut butter on both sides, preferably chunky peanut butter, spreading whichever jelly you are in the mood for over it, placing both slices of bread one over the other, and finally taking a bite, feeling the butter melt in your tongue but you can still feel the small pieces of the peanuts, still salty combined with the sweetness of the jelly, captures in perfectly toasted bread. By the way, I am a little hungry if you have not notice. But going back to the imaginary peanut butter and jelly sandwich, as you may have notice throughout time people actually do call it “Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich” also known as PB&J. We do not call it peanut butter sandwich or jelly sandwich, that would certainly take part of the magic away, it can only be called a PB&J; a perfect combination of salty and sweet. Thankfully these perfect combinations created throughout time, have not stayed strictly among sandwiches. We are able to see them all over the world in other cultures, food, music, religions, languages, art, and in other areas.
Since the origin of times, influences have been made; merging, converging, and transformation have happened, giving birth to new cultures all over the world. Transculturation has played a huge part in these unions since it a “give-and-take process” (Chasteen 71). Furthermore, hegemony also helped the merging of different cultures, taking in account that hegemony is “a kind of domination that implies a measure of consent by those at the bottom” (Chasteen 66). These two processes tried to impose uniformity among the cultures uniting, since they need to let go of certain traditions to accept the new ones brought by the other...

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... called “Punta”, which I am almost certain they are the only one who can actually perform it. In Honduras, the Garínagu hold a huge portion of our national pride and it is almost a must to go to the north coast of the country and spend a night at the beach watching a Garífuna bonfire while their dance to the beat of their drums. I hope someday you will be able to experience a legitimate Garífuna night, and if you do “Buidula Fedu”, happy vacations in Garífuna.

Works Cited

Chasteen, John C. "Chapter 2: Colonial Crucible." Born in Blood & Fire: A Concise HIstory of Latin America. 2nd Ed ed. New York, NY: W.W. Norton &, 2006. 59-89. Print.
Davidson, William V. "The Garífuna in Central America." Springer. Plenum Press, 1984. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.
Gargallo, Francesca. "Garífuna, Garínagu, Caribe." Google Books. Siglo XXI Editores México, 1 Jan. 2002. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.

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