Boy's State

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“I brought you guys here for better”. These are the words my mother told me many times as a boy and again not long ago. My mother has always pushed me in my education, and I finally realized that my junior year of high school. My grades in everything were outstanding this year, but I was still missing out on something. I was still not very involved in school. One day an individual from the American Legion came to our school to talk to all the juniors. He told us about an event that happens every year and in every state. It was a prestigious event to be accepted to. Having no real involvement in anything, I did not think for a second that I would be accepted, but, regardless, I applied, and two months later I received a call from that same man who told me I had been accepted. I was a big reluctant and indecisive about going because, aside from the fun and games, there was government learning and marching involved. I decided to go, and will never regret that decision. The experience there changed my views in so many ways. I met so many new people, greatly strengthened my skills in leadership, and I realized I had the potential to not only dream about my goals, but to live them as well. Boys State is a week long experience that begins about a week after school is out. It is only for male juniors, and is held at the Oklahoma A&M University in Miami, Oklahoma in our state. I was so nervous the entire eight hour trip there. Immediately upon arriving, I felt out of my comfort zone. The town I have lived in for 18 years, Guymon is about 75% Hispanic, so seeing no others of my ethnicity was a tad overwhelming at first. I was assigned to a city, Yeager City, and I was given directions to where my room would be. I went into my room, and my ... ... middle of paper ... ... had won a position, so of course I was going to be happy about it. A rush of confidence surged through me, and I knew, at that moment, that I will do great things with my life. I knew my dreams could one day become a reality. Early the next morning, it was time to say goodbye to all my city friends. While we were waiting in the living room of our city building, we had made a hat that everyone helped to make. Everyone signed the hat, and we all pitched in to decorate it. When we were done, there was a vote to give the Yeager hat to someone. My city chose me. I gladly accepted it, and I wore it all the way home. Going to Boy’s State will forever be one of the best decisions I have ever made. My confidence and social skills greatly increased in just that one week. I was glad to represent my town of Guymon at this event, and I was even prouder to represent my race.

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