Borrowed Servant Doctrine Essay

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An employee may come under temporary direct control of an employer.(Daniel S. Kleinberger 120)The borrowed servant doctrine is a legal doctrine that implies that an employer is legally responsible for the actions or negligence of a temporary employee. The temporary employee, in this case, is not the employer's regular employee. The temporary employee is borrowed (with consent) for his services and is subject to directions of the employer. To determine whether an employee falls under borrowed servant several tests have been formulated. These tests include an existence of an employment contract, whether the employer has the obligation to pay the temporary employee, whether the employer controls the detail of the employee's work and whether the type of work falls under the special empowerment category. The employer's liability in the doctrine of the borrowed servant is based on the employer's obligation to direct and control the temporary employee. The employer is therefore held responsible for any employee's negligence. …show more content…

Initially, the surgeons were held responsible for the actions of all members of the surgical team. However, new aspects of the doctrine came up with the coming of specialization in the medical field such as a certified anesthesiologist or radiologist. A common example is an x-ray technician working under direct orders of a radiologist. The radiologist is held responsible for the actions of the x-ray technician. Another example is hospital employee working under direct orders of an independent doctor. The independent doctors are held accountable for the actions of the hospital employee. Under the doctrine of the borrowed servant, a doctor is not held liable for the negligence of a qualified specialist. Board certified specialist such as a certified anesthesiologist or certified radiologist is responsible for their

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