Book Review of "Detour for Emmy"

543 Words2 Pages

Detour for Emmy- Insperational

Marilyn Reynolds is the author of Detour for Emmy. She is an English teacher in Los Angeles County. Marilyn is the author of numerous essays that have been published in many national newspapers, library magazines, professional journals, and autobiographies. Her students help her to keep in touch with the reality of today's teens; she then puts these realities into her writing. Detour for Emmy was inspired by her own experiences and those of her students. (5)

Detour for Emmy is a true story based on a young teen age girl, whose life is drastically changed after she becomes pregnant. Emmy is entering into high school with her trio Pauline and Tammy. For the first couple of weeks of school Emmy feels like an outcast, for there are so many people and everyone has their own little group. It all changes for Emmy when she is in choir with her trio on her birthday. Her friends told the teacher that it was her birthday and he had the harmonics group sing to her. In that group of singers there is one guy named Art who sang a solo right to her. After that d...

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