Book Of Exodus Analysis

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Thought the book of Exodus I noticed three characteristics that God displayed, God is good, He is merciful and forgiving, and He is love.The book of Exodus teaches us that God will never leave us or forsake us despite what we do or say. In the book of Exodus, God teaches the Israelites to rest in his holy faithfulness, by trusting his decision regarding their life.

One of the character description of God that I enjoyed in the Bible include, God is good.God is good- He freed the Israelites from slavery and into the Promise land. In addition, He prepared laws and scriptures to help the Israelites in their walk with Him. In the book of Exodus the Lord shows his mercy for the Israelites and their situation. The Lord also showed his power to the people of Egypt in the attempt to free his people. I can clearly see that He will do anything to show His …show more content…

Once God freed the Israelites, they disobey him and created a false god called the "golden calf". In Exodus 32-33, explains how God was angry with the people for worshipping other gods and upset with Aaron for creating the golden calf. The Lord provided Moses with the Ten Commandments, which the covenant with Moses and the Israel was made. Ten Commandments shows them how to express their love for Him. Exodus 20 Talks about how the commandments are given as guidelines of worshipping Yahweh. In addition, the Ten Commandments is known as a contract that God gave the Israelites.

God always shows love- He showed his love for the Israelites by defeating the Egyptian. In the Exodus 14 the Bible explains how Pharaoh tried to recapture the Israelites. Pharaoh prepared 600 men with him and chased after the Israelites in the wilderness. The Lord saved the Israelites by splitting the Red Sea, and allowing them to cross on dry land. However, the Lord showed his power by closing the Red Sea around the

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