Exodus: A Tale of Survival and Reunion

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The book Exodus starts with two long-lost friends reuniting at Cyprus of 1946. These two friends are Mark Parker and Kitty Fremont. Kitty Fremont is a nurse, and Mark Parker is a foreign correspondent. Ari is creates a plan to breakout three hundred Jewish children from a concentration camp called Caraolos. He intends to put them on a ship called the Exodus in order to help the two hundred thousand desperate people in Europe. The stories of the refugees surviving the holocaust affect Kitty in a way. Kitty decides to be a part of Ari’s plan when she meets a girl named Karen that she instantly cares for very deeply. When Ari and the children escape, they board Exodus. The exodus was wired with explosives, so if the British attack the boat they will blow it up. The British and Exodus have a long standoff eventually ending in which the Exodus is allowed to sail to Palestine where Jews are welcomed. A job opportunity is given to Kitty and she accepts having a plan of bringing Karen to America. Karen’s father, Johann Clement, if found after being separated from her for many years. He is insane from Survivor guilt. Ari’s uncle and one of the children are …show more content…

Most of the novel revolves around World War II and the aftermath of the war. Most of the Jew population was murdered by the Nazis, this event is known as the Holocaust. There were many attempts to get Jews out of camps and to Palestine because they are safe in Palestine, but many were unsuccessful. Most of the world in 1946 despised the Jews. Most of the Jews did not know why such things would happen to them and thought that God was punishing them. World War II is very significant in the book Exodus because many of the children have not had a life outside of concentration camps and refugee camps. The war changed every Jew’s life because many of them lost family members and friends. This novel tells a story of what life would be like after the war for the

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