Blood By Sherman Alexie Analysis

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Argument Essay Should students’ required reading in high school represent the real or the idea? Students deserve to represent the real, not the ideal in which most parents want them to believe life is normal. Meghan Cox Gurdon believes that the novels with gruesome details and storylines should not be in the reach of students. Janice Harayda also agreed with Ms. Gurdon, but Sherman Alexie did not agree with either one of them. Students should not be sheltered from the dangers, and real-life situations that do happen. Students who have been abused, or have inflicted self-harm can be inspired buy YA novels. There are plenty of teens around the world who struggle getting through the day, it can either be from poverty, being bullied, getting abused at home, causing self-harm, or maybe even feeling a sense of hopelessness within themselves. But when reading YA novels, these kids can be given a voice; they can overcome their predicament. Through these novels they kids who once felt like they had no voice, have a voice and it all comes through the power of reading a story about the life of another teen that struggles with the same problems they do. …show more content…

The kid told him his father wanted him to join the military just like he did, but the did really wanted to become a writer and his dad didn’t allow that. He was old enough to serve and fight for his country, go off to war and witness the most horrifying and gruesome situations in which all soldiers would go through while at war, but to Ms. Gurdon one of the journalist believed kids of that age were too young to be reading YA

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