Blade Runner

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Blade runner is a film which was inspired by the book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep?"

written by Phillip K. Dick, and directed by Ridley Scott. this movie quickly became a cult classic,

with a large follwing of loyal fans, but as with all cult classics it has also had many critics, and

most of these critics have a very similar Critisism of the film. they dismiss it as being a good-loooking

film built on the flimsiest of narratives, a triumph of production design over substance. this statement

allthough very critical and bold, is not completely without substance, with many plot twists and changes in dirrection, the themes are often hard to follow, as is the character dialogue and the general flow of the plot. which can frustrate many people and therefore result in such bad critisism. when discussing this statement, you must look at a number of majour scenes in the film itself, and analyse both the narrative content and the production design, and make close reference to both. u also, must look at how the

narrative, production design, and

The first scene of majour importance to both the narative and the production design, is the scene in which the viewer is first introduced to Racheal. Racheal is introduced into the narrative as tyrells secretary, and also a new form of replicant which is almost as human as humans are. but she later becomes deckards love interest, which is quite an ironic juxtaposition due to the fact that it is deckards job as a blade runner to kill replicants. but the dialogue is complicated, and assumes to much of the viewer, in the sense, that it assumed that the viewer knows more about the new world than is actully told. The visuals in this scene a quite amazing, and capture the eye of the viewer easily. there is a shot from the far end of the room, looking out of the floor to celling retractable window at the sunset, of an almost acient looking landscape, with pyramids and other ancient type buildings. the room itself has a destinct mediteranian feeling to it, and is in starck contrast to the arcietectual feel of the film so far. which has mostly been of grey drab buildings and dark uninviting streets. this is used to show the extreme difference in wealth between tyrell, and the rest of the world. this scene is full of quality narrative, but this narrative is often hard to decipher and the knowledge that is expected of the viewer is far to much, and hard to pick up.

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