Classism In Blade Runner

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Jimmy’s father is another example of job and class. His father receives a promotion and moves the family to HelthWyzer Compound. The father’s scientific skills were picked out by the company to help create ‘NooSkins’, a project to stay youthful. The compound to which they moved was better and newer than the previous. “The HelthWyzer Compound was not only newer than the OrganInc layout, it was bigger. It had two shopping malls instead of one, a better hospital, three dance clubs, even its own golf course” (Atwood 54). There it is revealed that the Compound restricts further access from the Pleeblands; they do not have access to the hospital. Moreover, the family was moved to a better compound because of a better job, showing that the Compounds themselves aren’t standardized, giving room classism. …show more content…

An apparent difference is the condition of the earth. The earth is seemingly overpopulated, riddled with industrialized buildings, and just in poor condition. Here it is only shown that Eastern Asians are the only people left. There is a reoccurring blimp that travels through the city advertising to the population an alternate world of cleanliness, prosperity, and luxury. “OPPORTUNITY!... AUTOMATIC ADVANCEMENT!... TOP PAY!... Join us in a clean, fresh environment featuring the invigorating Johnson and Murikami California Climate! (WE NEED YOU YOU you you you)… If you meet health and experience qualifications for the Offworld Emmigration Programs” (Blade Runner p7). This already present a class issue; only those who ‘qualify’ can go. Upon that, it also means that in this world, Eastern Asians do not meet the ‘qualifications’ to travel to the off-world colonies. Of course this would also lead to a wage gap. If there are those who cannot go and achieve a profit driven life in the colonies, then they will not be the one who are prosperous, creating a huge gap between earth and the

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