Blade Runner Opening Scene Analysis

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The opening scene of Blade Runner and the scene of L.A. are both shot very well. The opening scene settles the viewer into the film by creating the mood and theme of a dystopian world. The first scene also explains what has happened before the time period that the movie takes place in so the audience knows what is going on. The L.A. scene expands on the first scene’s exposition by using subtle elements to explain what is currently going on in the city. The opening scene and L.A. scene both convey certain themes with the type of music they use and the images they present.
The music in the first scene is very ominous in the beginning when the words on the screen are explaining what had happened with the Nexus 6 androids. The music is very sinister, going with the subject of the Nexus 6 robots rebelling and the Blade Runners trying to “retire” them. Suddenly the music shifts into one that, while still a bit …show more content…

The images and music with the absence of dialogue make the themes come across more powerfully because they leave room for the audiences’ imaginations to interpret the scene on their own and begin to ask questions, which makes them want to continue watching the movie.
The two scenes of Blade Runner are both shot very well because they use imagery and music to convey the themes of the film. The use of visuals and sound in these two scenes work together to cause the viewer to use their imagination and thought process to spark curiosity and want to continue with the story. The intro sequence of the first clip gives the basic framework of the story. However, the second clip brings the opening explanation to life with the cinematography of the scenery and the

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