Blacks In The North Dbq Analysis

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“Free” blacks in the North were not really free. They didn’t have many freedoms at all. Blacks in the North faced a mixed bag of freedoms and restrictions, but the restrictions outnumbered the freedoms in three important areas of life, politics, social freedoms, and freedoms in economics/education. First, blacks in the North were somewhat free in the area of politics. Blacks could vote in all the New England states except Connecticut. This means that blacks in the North mostly had the freedom to vote. Blacks were only allowed to attend Jury Duty in Massachusetts. You also must have been male to vote or attend Jury Duty(Doc A). This shows that blacks in the North didn’t have much freedom to attend Jury Duty. There were churches for blacks to go to and worship their religion(Doc D) This shows that blacks had the freedom of religion. …show more content…

Blacks in the North were not allowed to “mingle” with whites. Document B says, “‘...he shall not...mingle with us in the concert-room, the lecture room, the theatre, or the church, or to marry with our daughters.”’ This shows that blacks in the North didn’t have the freedom to do things with whites. Document D states, “The Church was a place to become involved in community...It was a place to marry, and to be buried.” This show that blacks could go to a church for blacks and do things with other blacks and worship their religion. Whites treated blacks like blacks were inferior. Document B states, “‘We are of another race, and he is inferior. Let him know his place - and keep it.”’ This shows that whites thought of blacks as inferior or worse than

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