Black People Geography Essay

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The purpose of this study cogitates two fundamental questions: how does geography happen to Black people and how do Black people 'happen' to geography? I examine this spatial paradigm of the Black body through the Black house kids; a collective of Black post-civil rights babies who participated in house music and house culture in Chicago between 1976-1993. I concentrate on the sociospatial processes-redlining, restrictive covenants, suburbanization, the rise of the post-1970 Black middle class-that altered the geographies of post-war Chicago for Black Chicagoans and unearth how the Black house kids responded to these shifts. I blend a hybrid of research practices and disciplinary theories, including: Black Geographies, Ethnomusicology, and Africana Studies. To understand what occurs to the Black body as it lives in …show more content…

Black Chicagoans live in a second city-Black Chicago-as a result of the persistent maintenance of social apparatuses that are mapped into and onto the landscape of Chicago that contain Blackness. This geographic positioning of the Black body led to the Black house kids asserting their "a-where-ness" as the geographic other by acting as spatial agents; not solely in response to how geography has been used against them, but in the assemblage of contrasting places that disentangle how their alleged class, gender, ethnic, and sexual differences are spatialized (Massey). Through spatial engineering, including place-branding and re-purposing abandoned spaces, I conclude that the Black house community constructed protected spaces through house music and culture such as the dance floor - "Spaces that were made for everyone, but belong to us" (Miss Priss,

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