Blac Black Hole Research Paper

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What is a black hole you may ask? Well, it is an area in space that is incredibly dense, having an insane amount of mass in a small area. Creates a gravitational field so strong that not even light has a chance of escaping once it is caught in the black hole’s grasp. They were first predicted to exist in 1916 by Albert Einstein, with his theory of general relativity, however the first one was not discovered until 1971. This strange power leads them to be one of the most fascinating things in the universe to both scientists and regular observers alike. They are very hard to see though, as they do not give off light themselves and can blend into the background of space. Scientists can only see them from the radiation that is given off as the black holes pull in the gas and dust around them. Another way they can be see is when sometimes matter is ricocheted off the outside of the black hole and pushed outwards at astronomical speeds, leaving trails of material for the scientists to track. This phenomena may also be why some people believe that a black hole is a portal to another dimension. …show more content…

A supernova is an enormous explosion that usually happens at the very end of a star’s life cycle, happening as the result of a change in the core of a star. This change can happen in two ways, with the first occurring in binary star systems, in this system one star, usually a white dwarf steals matter from the other star. Eventually it will have sucked up so much matter that it can't handle any more and explodes in a huge bright flash, a supernova. The second way a supernova is formed is when a star runs out of nuclear fuel, some of it’s mass starts flowing into the core, eventually the core has too much mass and the core collapses on itself, resulting in an

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