Why I Deserve A College Education

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Tamoha Saha - Harvard Application Essay How do I hope to use my college education? My goal since my toddler years has been to be a hero. Today, I cannot envision myself doing anything else. My long-term goal since the beginning of high school has been to contribute to the biomedical sciences, whether it is as a researcher, a surgeon, or a clinical physician. I aspire to make change, even the smallest improvement in anyone’s life. My plan for after high school is to major in a science related to the medical field, most likely something that relates neuroscience with genetic studies, like neurobiology. I also hope to take the pre-medical classes required for me to enroll in medical school, which is my current goal for after undergraduate college. …show more content…

There are millions of questions that are begging to be answered, and I have the drive to find the answers to them. There could be a vaccine for cancer just waiting to be found in the world, and I could be the one to find it. Paraplegics could be able to walk again, and I could be a part of their recovery. Not only would I be influencing the world, but I would also be influencing distinct human lives. My experience with volunteering in schools and crisis centers has taught me about the value of lives. I’ve come to deeply appreciate the fact that every person experiences the world as vividly as I do, meaning that they share the same feelings, from love, anger, sadness, down to pointless and sporadic thoughts and emotions. This makes me further respect the work of those who work in the medical field, as they make impacts larger than I can imagine. I know that if I were in the place of someone whose life depended on the innovations in science and technology, my existence would be highly influenced by any doctor who even simply hopes to make advancements in

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