Big Sur-Personal Narrative

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Hi, I am Ryan. I am 12 years old, the oldest child in my family. I live on the east coast in Chatham, NJ. I’ve never been to the west coast, but my family and I planned this amazing road trip through Big Sur, California, and I am very excited! I love nature, and from what I’ve heard from friends, Big Sur tops the list when it comes to the scenery and natural beauty. There is almost no technology distraction because Big Sur is in the middle of nowhere. I look forward to disconnecting from technology, and spending quality time with my family. One downside is that I am afraid of heights, so I am not entirely sure how driving next to a cliff for hours is actually gonna go. Looking forward to the best driving experience of my life. I just hope I won’t get motion sickness. Our Pacific Coast Highway road trip through Big Sur was off to a good start. We awoke to a beautiful, sunny, 75 degree day. Our first stop, Garrapata State Park, we almost missed. It was not well marked, but we were fortunate enough to see the small sign. We stepped out of the car and looked at the beautiful site among us. We saw the waves below crashing into the cliff. It was going to be hard and even a little dangerous to walk down …show more content…

We drove down it, and found a cool restaurant called Nepenthe. It was around 6:00, and we hadn’t even had lunch yet, so we were all starving for dinner. Right as we pulled into the parking lot, we all jumped out of our seats as quickly as we could, then went into the restaurant. We could see windows all around the restaurant. Tables and chairs were set up all around the bar, the center of the restaurant. There was also an outdoor part of the restaurant. Even though it was raining we decided to eat outside because there were umbrellas. It was a great view because it overlooked most of Big Sur. Not only was the view of Big Sur beautiful, but the sound of waves crashing while we were eating was even more

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