Bible Club Research Paper

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God helps me meet all my needs. A great activity offered by my school, Ridgeview Middle School, is bible club. First, the bible is full of inspirational verses that are helpful to me and others. Second, bible club gives you a positive outlook on life, when you also get to socialize with motivating and positive people. Last, bible club is exciting with the joy of unexpected field trips to the Nursing Home and the excitement of helping others through a daily basis. Bible club is like a gift, only some will accept it. A relationship with God is like no other! As can be seen, bible club is not only my favorite, but others too. First of all, bible club is very inspirational. Bible club has a very graceful prayer lead by our Pastor, he prays in depth, and lets everyone know there is always something to pray about. Also, our Bible club has so many faithful and loving people, we know we are not alone. Bible club offers the chance of having a relationship with God like no other. Bible club is like going to church, you are with the people you love. After all, Bible club will help me and others get a more positive outlook on life. Second of all, Bible club is very motivating. Our pastor reads from the bible in depth, and it brings joy to everyone in the room. Also, bible club is one big loving family, you always have …show more content…

In other words, it is very inspirational with our Pastors depth in words. Also, it is motivating in every which way, with the loving and caring people in our group. It can be very exciting with our group field trips to the Nursing homes and helping others. Bible club is a very popular club, it gives you the chance to have a relationship with God like no other. I know that I am never alone, for as long as I have God in my life. As I have stated, bible club is a very loving club, where I seek Gods help. Bible club is not only my favorite but other

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