Being Timid In Class

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Of the three factors, being timid in class has the least impact on my accomplishments. In class, whether teachers are introducing a new topic or going over homework, I always keep my answers to myself. Normally, I have done the work and I know my answers are correct, but I still keep my mouth closed. I do not like when all of the attention in class is drawn on me (attention in my eyes). When there are many people watching or listening to me, I get nervous and start to doubt myself. On occasion, the reason as to why I am silent, could be because I hadn’t completely understood the material. In order to fix this issue, reviewing the resources given would help gain confidence with answers. Along with the fact that talking in front of people can make me nervous, it is the thought of my peers that stresses me. Learning to care less about what other people think would assist in lowering how nervous I get when …show more content…

While I have a selection of organization tools, such as binders with tabs and an agenda, the way I utilize those tools. One issue I have is sometimes forgetting to do an activity as homework, until the last second. Using an agenda book, I can write down all of the assignments and due date which will help me get them done and submitted on time. Another organizational mechanism is having a binder with binder tabs for every class. While I do own binders with tabs for every class, I do not always use the separate binders, and usually end up shoving everything into a single “take home binder” that is going to be sorted out later. One more assist in helping with my organizational habits is to have a specific spot just for homework. When doing homework, I do not have one specific spot, and end up moving around. Sometimes when I claim to be doing homework with my laptop on the couch, there is no work being done, however, when working on our desktop computer, there is much more productivity. TIE

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