Being Humble Rhetorical Analysis

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“Bitterness keeps you from flying. Always stay humble and kind.”- Tim McGraw For most of my life so far, there has always been one word that has stood out the most to me. It is a word that has always followed me and will continue to follow me forever. “This word is humble”.
The term “humble” means to refrain from showing pride or arrogance and to be modest. I feel that this word is very important to live by. To be humble means to be selfless in everything you do. It is acceptable to have pride and confidence in the tasks that you complete, but you should do so in a manner that will give people the impression that you deserve. The population of humble people in today’s generation is growing thinner with each passing moment. I have learned this from experience.
My mother has a lot to do with the reason behind my liking in this word. She has been a big influence in my life since I learned how to love. This past Mother’s Day, the two of us were riding home from a long day of church-going and visiting with the mother figures in our life. Suddenly, she turned up the volume on the radio and looked over to me.
“This a song I never want you to forget. This is my song to you,” she said. On the radio played the song made famous by Tim McGraw called “Humble and Kind” The lyrics focus on remembering where …show more content…

This reminder remains in the back of my mind with every move I make. Moreover, I have learned that being humble when you succeed earns you a lot of respect from your peers. I don’t know anyone who likes a person who brags about their success. When you achieve something and another person congratulates you, your reaction should be executed with gratitude. Say “thank you” or compliment them in return. The wrong way to respond would be saying something like “I know.” That is an unattractive way to respond to positivity. A life without humbleness is a life that is not lived to it’s fullest

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