Understanding the Ambiguity of 'At Risk' Label

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The label “at risk” is very ambiguous and may mean different things for different people. The at risk concept lies on a continuum from low to high and involves many interacting dimensions which ultimately increase one’s probability of having problems in school. In this way being at risk looks different for different people and while some may seemingly be okay, others may clearly be struggling or display subtle signs that something is indeed wrong. Being at risk suggests that there are individual factors, environmental factors, or a combination of both, imparting difficulty on one’s ability to cope with life. It is important to note that being at risk is not a permanent label because environmental factors may not be constant, and so neither will its impact on an individual. In addition to this, intervention may help individuals like Owen embody some resiliency. …show more content…

Though it may be easy to solely focus on one or the other, human behavior is complex and it is hard to separate the two and their impacts from each other. In regards to Owen and his at risk status, the psychoeducational assessment revealed many individual factors which may impact his academic performance and social relationships. Not only is he diagnosed with ADHD, but he also has difficulties with reading, spelling and processing verbal information. Despite this, his environmental factors are ignored if the psychoeducational assessment is the sole focus. Owen cannot control his family or the fact that he has been abused and neglected as a child or the fact that he moves from one foster home to another. As a result, drugs and alcohol entered his life. It was not until Owen’s environmental factors were addressed that he could better manage the internal factors impeding his

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