Being A Taiga Biome

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Why I love being the Taiga Biome

Being a taiga biome in Northern parts of North America is pretty cool. But how does the biome work? Well my friend, let me explain it to you using a nitrogen atom. We begin the air as N2. Then Green Alder trees take the nitrogen from the air and fixes it within root nodules. Since the trees tend to live farther away from extreme temperatures, they are able to release copious amounts of nitrogen into the ground. Bacteria in the soil take the nitrogen and fix it. Both bacteria turn the N2 into ammonia. Nitrifying bacteria then converts NH4+ into nitrate, which plants such as the White Spruce absorb and use. The roots bring the nitrogen to cells in other parts of the plant, which in turn will be used in amino …show more content…

It isn’t that hard to set things awry. Logging happens across much of the taiga; it destroys habitats and covers for animals, and also leads to soil erosion. Oil and Gas exploration happens as well across much of the taiga. This industry disrupts the living species by cutting down trees to make a well site. In the case of the oilsands, huge masses of land can be cleared and used for extraction and also for storage of toxic tailings. As seen in Alberta, these ponds can kill thousands of waterfowl that are native to the taiga. Hunting is yet another issue the taiga faces. Animals such as brown bears, wolves, moose, caribous, and cougars have seen a large population decline due to hunting. Some organizations have tried to reverse and prevent the damage done. The Forest Stewardship Council is a logging organization that ensures that the forest it logs from are logged sustainably and safely for the people who live in the area and most certainly the animals. The Taiga Rescue Network is an organization of over 200 organizations and aboriginal groups that strive to help the taiga. Their goal is to see sustainable logging throughout the taiga and also the creation of more protected lands in the taiga. The World Wildlife Foundation is a huge global organization that aids endangered species. Hopefully the organizations will prevent the deterioration of the biome. Invasive species are yet another worry for the biome. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix or the silver carp, has been introduced around the world for aquaculture purposes and also for controlling excessive growth of phytoplankton in natural waters. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix have the potential to reduce native diversity by competing for and depleting zooplankton populations, altering the food web. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix have also been found to carry and transmit the disease Salmonella

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