Beauty In The 1950's Essay

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Over history it is proven time and time again that standards of beauty can be very subjective. What was attractive to the general masses in the 19th century is not true of the 20th Century. What was considered beautiful in the 1920’s is different to the 1980’s. Opinions on beauty are constantly changing with the times and fashions. The decade in history I am going to focus on for this essay is females in 1950’s Hollywood.

In Hollywood in the 1950’s, female stars had to epitomise class and grace and this needed to be reflected in the clothes they wore and the way they styled their hair. This was called the ‘Golden age of Hollywood’ and some of the actresses from this era are considered amongst the most beautiful in history. The general idea of female beauty at this time was in curvy women usually with curled blonde hair. The female star would often spend hours using all manner of beauty treatments to give themselves the red lipsticked, rosy cheeked glow.

I believe these high standards of what women should look like at the time may have been due to the fact that the world had just come out of a devastating war. Many soldiers were returning home to their families and the female style at the time was very much the homemaker. The idea was of a beautiful woman that men would feel comfortable coming home to. The …show more content…

Perhaps the most famous 1950’s woman was Marilyn Monroe, who rose to fame in the 1953 classic ‘Gentlemen prefer blondes’. Monroe epitomised the soft curled, blonde look with the immaculate makeup and lovely curves. Her personality given across in her films was also the slightly breathless, need to be looked after by a man. This vulnerability contrasted with her physical looks and made her appear less threatening to other women and also gave men a feeling of wanting to looks after her and keep her

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