Batman Vs Superman

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Film is a popular source for entertainment in today’s culture and has become an important aspect of society. While film is often used for the purpose of entertainment, there are other motives that appear in the films themselves. Current events often materialize in some form or fashion on the big screen. In addition to being used for pleasure, film has transformed into “a powerful vehicle for culture, education, leisure and propaganda” (Shah). While not all movies are solely focused on societal issues, various movies are often made to start a discourse among their viewers. Society is reflected in popular culture, specifically film, and is used to demonstrate contrasting views in society, influence social activism, and promote political agendas. …show more content…

Opposingly, Superman views Batman as being cruel in his actions. The film demonstrates the risks that unaccountable power ultimately has. Superman is an example of Tom Morris’s “Double Power Principle” as his abilities go beyond those of a human but also create more destruction in response (47). Both superheroes’ moral judgement is questioned as each superhero often nears the boundary between right and wrong in their methods of using violence to handle crime. The conflict of Batman and Superman’s morality relates to the discourse regarding law enforcement and how they use their authority for justice. Batman represents most of humanity as someone who uses his own personal fears as motivation to allow others to not be faced with the losses that he has attempted to overcome. Batman also represents the cynical belief that most people are selfish and act only for themselves. On the other hand, Superman historically represents hope and the supposed good in the world. As Superman is often referred to as a god, Luthor describes the nature of Superman’s heroic purpose as being paradoxical. He deems that “if God is all powerful, he cannot be all good” and vice versa (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice). In Batman and Superman’s pursuit of the good, they sacrifice their morality for what they believe to be for the overall wellbeing of the world. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice demonstrates the conflicting views toward power and how it should be used

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