Batman Vs Iron Man Research Paper

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Iron Man and Batman are both famous superheroes, existing in both the comic world and in their own movie trilogies. The Dark Knight and Iron Man trilogies have been two of the most popular hero movie series of all time, leading many people to view these heroes as ‘above par’, grouping them with the likes of Superman and other power endowed heroes. Batman and Iron Man are not unique in that they don’t have powers, but their ways of compensating for this lack of natural crime fighting prowess are strikingly similar. Overall however, Iron Man is the superior hero in my eyes due to his greater intellect, and also the greater depth to his character. In the first movie of each respective series, Batman and Iron Man do not exist yet. Both superheroes are brought to life by a similar series of events. Bruce Wayne stays at the headquarters of the League of Shadows, leading to the creation of his Batman identity. While Wayne stays there of his own free will, Tony Stark is captured by a terrorist organization who hope to have Stark build them a missile. After being attacked, Tony Stark …show more content…

Ever since he began wearing a cape and fighting crime in Gotham, Bruce Wayne began developing this dependency. In The Dark Knight Rises, Wayne has lost his sense of self because Batman is not needed and Wayne does not know how to move on. One of the major themes of the entire film is Wayne’s rediscovery of his will to live. In truth, it is not just about a will to live, but a desire to have a life beyond Batman and beyond the pain Wayne has used his alter ego to fight. It takes several months, but Wayne is ultimately successful in returning as Batman to eliminate one last threat to Gotham and then retire. In retirement, Wayne is satisfied with knowing that he has created an enduring symbol of all that can be good in Gotham and imparted his knowledge and resources to a worthy successor in John

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