Basic Nursing Care in Pressure Sore Prevention

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For many hundreds of years, pressure sores have been recognized clinically. Throughout this time different pedagogies have been explicated to prevent patients from developing pressure sores (R. J. G. Halfens & M. Eggink 1995). What is more, less is known about the effectiveness of these methods. On account of this observation the author opted to recapitulate the fundamental care of preventing pressure sores among high risk individuals in a nursing home setting.

Search Strategies

The search strategies to be utilized in completing this essay will be first and foremost choosing a certain topic from the list of action plan presented.

The writer will select the topic, Basic Nursing Care in Pressure Sore Prevention as a learning need to cope with placement demands. Keywords like “nursing care”, “pressure sore”, “bedsore”, and” prevention” are to be highlighted. Appropriate databases will be determined. For this topic, PubMed, CINAHL Plus. Google Scholar would be suitable. The option of finding other informative sources such as RCT’s, review studies and guidelines is highly expected, until sufficient data are gathered. This paperwork will set significant limits for searching databases in this case Boolean Operators “and”, “a” and “or”. Truncation for the word “nurse” and “care” will also be an option. English language will be exploited for the entire essay.

Pressure sores have perturbed the nursing profession for many years as a major health care inconvenience in terms of a patient's suffering (Wurster 2007). Also called decubitus ulcers or bed sores,it contribute to a big problem in hospitals, and in the nursing homes as well. Bedsores can appear in areas of the skin which is directly being subjected to pr...

... middle of paper ... methods in preventing pressure sores in Dutch hospitals. International Journal of Nursing Studies Volume 32, Issue 1, Pages 16-26 : Jannetti Publications, Inc

Nettina, Sandra M. (2009). The Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice. 7th Ed. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.

Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Management Guideline. (2000) Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine. Pressure ulcer prevention and treatment following spinal cord injury: A clinical practice guideline for health care professionals. Paralyzed Veterans of America; Washington (DC)

Siribaddana P. (2009). Bedsores: Treatment and prevention, from

Wurster J (2007) Role Nurse Leaders Can Play in Reducing the Incidence of Pressure Sores: Addressing a Complex Issue. Nursing Economy 25(5), 267-269

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