Bartow High School Dress Code

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Bartow High School: Dress Code “A set of rules, usually written and posted, specifying the required manner of dress at a school, office, club, restaurant, etc.” A dress code is set to protect the eyes of the innocent while also protecting drooling boys. These set of rules are however catered to a select sex and size. To continue the sexualization of the female body-shoulders-we tell them how it’s their fault not the boys! The saying “boys will be boys” rolls off the tongue like sandpaper, we shouldn’t blame their eyes or their actions, but the girl herself. Girls need to learn how to cover up, its brings less stress on parents to teach their sons how to not become a sex offender and to respect women. How can boys even think to focus on their …show more content…

Such challenging attire cannot be tolerated and therefore cannot learn like the other code-abiding bodies. To protect the male focus, that student is taken out causing them to miss a valuable education. Boys wearing shorter than allowed shorts, receive a hard glance or nothing at all-who cares it’s a guy. Girls wearing shorts just as short or above the knee, revealing too much skin for their comfort, are dealt with accordingly: have your parents bring you a change of clothing. Seeing how many parents are at work and/or don’t live in Bartow, makes this an easy 30+ minute wait in the office, then back to class in the proper attire. Clothes look different on bigger people so dress code is indirectly changed for their needs. Leggings emphasize the bottom portion shape, for schools that allow this devilish clothing item, skinnier bodies get the go ahead. Bigger girls just can’t show off their bodies like that, it’s much too provocative. V-necks, are only for the select few busts. This again will halt the learning process for everyone. The dress code is a simple document and concept to understand, and its-fitting-for everybody. If girls were to just cover up we wouldn’t have a dress code issue. School is a learning environment that should be free of any and all clothing distractions so everyone can have the same opportunity to learn and Bartow High School is doing a great job at enforcing such a precious

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