Baron De Montesquieu Research Paper

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Baron de Montesquieu was a French Philosopher. He was born in Bordeaux France. To his father Jacques and mother Marie she died when he was only seven. Baron de Montesquieu went to the College of Juilly". This was a famous school for French nobles. He studied science, literature, and law. He also went to Bordeaux University. He was later married to Jeanne de Lartigue and had 3 children. Along with being a philosopher he was additionally part of the French Parliament an a author. Montesquieu was highly influenced by another Philosopher, John Locke. John Locke's ideas on humans natural rights life, liberty, and happiness really sparked the idea of Baron de Montesquieu to write " The Spirit of the Law" The problem he challenged was to much power in the government. By to much power he meant that one person in charge would cause mass chaos in the government and in everybody everyday life. If one person was to take control of the government then France would of been a dictatorship. Montesquieu ideas on government were very liberal he believed that slavery should be abolished. Also he believe that the country should make laws more humanely. His theory was …show more content…

He made three different branches of the government. The first branch was the legislative branch. This control laws and rules. Next was the executive branch this branch's main role was to put laws in action and in force the rules and laws. The third branch is the judicial, this branch was to interpret the law. This was a major difference in the current French government at the time, the current type of government was a monarchy. Montesquieu was trying to push away the power of a king and trying to enforce a Parliament type government. He wanted a the people in charge of the government to be elected, not chosen from a family heir. This would make the country a better place because the people would like the person they voted

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