Barke's Guide To Staying Alive

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Paige’s Guide to Staying Alive: Crucial Tips for Survival

Tip Number 1! When in any survival situation, secure shelter from the elements (and the dead happen to walk) is a vital key to staying alive. Many school cafeteria kitchens are equipped with sturdy latched doors, a bolted walk in freezer, and steel shutters that slide down to seal the serving window. Besides, cafeterias serve hundreds of kids every single day! Trust me, I’ve worked in one. Food, there will be.

Tip Number 2! The tools a person brings can make or break the chances of living, so here’s what will keep you alive. First, a crowbar. Used for prying open tough places, breaking windows, or impaling the undead in their one-track brains, the crowbar is most versatile. Second,

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