Australian Equality Essay

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English Speech

The state of being equal, especially in status, rights or opportunities. This is equality, and this is the topic I would like to address today. The concept of equality itself seems quite simple, but when it is applied to people, it becomes much more complicated. Although there are many situations where equality can be considered, today I’d like to focus on equality and race. Or more specifically, equality amongst Indigenous Australians.

As I start, I would like you to think back to 1901 when Australia became a nation, when we federated the colonies, a great time in history. Or was it? When the constitution came out, the indigenous people were mentioned nowhere, except for ‘race provisions’ which allowed for their children to be taken, their privacy invaded and laws to be made to tell them where they could live and who they could marry. For years they lived amid the plants and animals, as that was what they were classified as, part of Australia’s flora and fauna.

Along with that, in 1901 the government released the white policy, banning all non-Caucasian people from entering the country. …show more content…

If you didn’t know, the Coniston massacre was when a white dingo trapper was found murdered in central Australia. Two men were arrested for his death, but neither committed the crime. The killer, Kamalyarrpa Japanangka (‘Bullfrog’), was sought out by men on horseback, both aboriginal and non-aboriginal, over a period if months, and at a number of sites, more than 60 aboriginal men, women and children were shot and killed, this became known to all as the Coniston Massacre. Despite your thoughts, no charges were laid against the search party. Just because the victims of the massacre were aboriginal, they never gained the justice that they

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