Augustine Compare And Contrast Essay

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Surprised by Joy by Lewis and Confessions by Augustine are not two works that are often analyzed side by side. A preliminary glance may lead the reader to think that they are very similar works, despite the differences in publishing time, Surprised By Joy was published in 1955, while Confessions was published in 398 AD. This is not entirely false, as both works are autobiographical and written by men greatly influential to the Christian faith. Both Lewis and Augustine use similar structural methods and literary devices to document their journey toward understanding the character of God, however, the assumptions Lewis and Augustine come to are often very different. This paper will specifically analyze Augustine and Lewis’ perception of joy and its relationship to God as seen in Augustine’ section “Happiness (Beatta Vita)” and Lewis’ chapters “Checkmate” and “Beginning” in order to argue that while Augustine and Lewis’ process of understanding joy seem very similar, the implications this understanding had on their individual lives was contradictory.
At first, Augustine and Lewis’ structural methods for “Happiness” and “Checkmate” seem …show more content…

29).” Although Augustine believed that joy was a universal concept, he also believed that joy was a difficult concept to truly grasp. In order to better explain joy, Augustine relied largely on the analogy of memory. He described this as the process of remembering past joyful experiences even in the midst of sorrow, “For I can, though sorrowing, remember joy… it was something the mind experienced during a past period of happiness, some record of which was lodged in memory, enabling me to recall it (Augustine

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