Athens Vs Sparta

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I have gone to the future, and I have seen the vast changes that will be made to the world in the next twenty-four centuries. The political nature of the current situation between Athens and Sparta of absolute power and security will be replaced by a more complex system because of technology and globalization. With the knowledge I have learned in the twenty-first century, the war would have a very different outcome. Power will still play a role in politics, but its role is very different.
War between Athens and Sparta under the current system was inevitable, as both were competing for absolute power, or to become hegemons. Because the concern was for absolute gains, the Peloponnesian War was one of limited cooperation. This is demonstrated by the violent incident in Melos. Because the Melians were neutral and not directly on the side of the Athenians, it was in the Athenians’ interest for absolute power gains to outright destroy the Melians. I have learned in the twenty-first century that such a demonstration of power is not always efficient. Instead of using hard power, Athenians could have used soft power like diplomacy, cultural exchanges, and political leadership to gain the Melians trust and support. Instead of being seen as a large power bullying a small power but as a compromiser that would gain other countries’ respect. The use of soft power is also generally much cheaper than using force. Though soft power is less tangible, it is more useful to Athens in the long run. Though Athens is at the brink of losing the Peloponnesian War against Sparta, if it had built up a repository of goodwill through its use of soft power, it would still have a lasting and important influence in world affairs.
A benefit that the twenty-first ...

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... than a small one. When the peacekeeping presence is limited, the priority is more about the safety of the forces than the safety of the citizens of the country, and unlike the limited forces, it is difficult to back a large contingent into a corner, which is what occurred for the Belgian UNAMIR troops.
The best way to solve humanitarian crises is not to send peacekeepers at all, but to send peace enforcers instead. Peace enforcers have the power to protect the oppressed victims in a way that peacekeepers do not, since peace enforcers do not have the same obligation to remain neutral. The peace enforcers can also survive with limited forces because they have the ability to overwhelm the other side and stop the conflict. Ultimately, sending peace enforcers in any number is the best option, as peacekeeping operations generally put more people at risk than they help.

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