Asylum Seekers Speech

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English Speech

Australia is a country built on immigrants, in a 2010 study the ABS presented that 26.8 precent of the Australian population are immigrants and it is estimated that by 2050 over a 3rd of the Australian population will be immigrants, so why can’t we accept more refugees. Asylum Seekers are people who flee their homes and countries in the face of persecution or threats to their lives. These people need all the compassion and support that they can get so why aren’t we letting these people seek shelter in Australia? Don’t we as Australians pride ourselves on looking after the needy, disadvantaged and the vulnerable? Some of you may not know this but Australia is one of the many countries that signed the 1951 UN Refugee Convention. They define a refugee as a person who is …show more content…

It is quite bogus to see that some Australians are willing to generalise all of the asylum seekers as terrorists, because many of these asylum seekers are in actuality genuine refugees who come to Australia to seek a better life, and leave their old and unhappy one. Imagine you are in the shoes of one of the asylum seekers. They travelled by boat with their family to get to Australia because they are facing a threat to their lives; would you do the same thing? If you had any common sense the answer would probably be a yes because you want a better life for your family and yourself. How would you feel if people from Australia did not let you into their country and turned their backs on you? You would probably feel horrible because you want to see the people you love smile. This is what every asylum seeker out there is feeling. They want to live in Australia. They want a happy life like the one we have and they want to feel safe and secure in their own homes. Therefore, asylum seekers should be allowed to live in Australia. Also, asylum seekers that live in the Australian community do not receive four times the income from Centre link that aged pensioners do as

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