Assignment Speech: What Is Consumerism And Living Small?

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Consumerism Assignment Speech Script What is Consumerism and Living Small? Consumerism. It’s the ideology that promotes us to spend our money to consume goods, in the belief that it will keep our economy running smoothly and give jobs and income to many people all around the globe. It makes us believe that living bigger and better is the most desirable option. Though it has become clear that with people over consuming products due to this order, that it is really killing our society instead of aiding it. So why have most people not considered defying this consumerism and living smaller? Living smaller means applying things such as only purchasing needs not wants, not disposing of something that can be fixed and ignoring advertisements to your lifestyle. It has numerous benefits such as reduced spending, less debt, less stress, better for the environment and no constant upgrading. The truth is that the global consumerism issue is that people are not living small, and that we need to switch to this minimal lifestyle to counteract the negative affects of consumerism. How does this affect consumption among consumers? When you buy into consumerism and live big, you are helping increase the consumption of goods and services. However, living smaller means that the amount that you consume will decrease and this may be more beneficial that the former …show more content…

These wasted resources can have a significant negative impact on the both people and the environment. When we start to purchase more what we want as well as what we need, resources such food are being wasted instead of allowing people who have low or no incomes to go hungry and starve. Moreover, the resources used to make these goods all come from nature, so more trees have to be cut down and more fossil fuels are utilised, further damaging the

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