Assignment For My Brown Bag

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For my Brown Bag Assignment my participant, JR, was found within my family. I was aware JR took daily medications due to his recent heart bypass surgery in June 2015 and met with him. JR is 62 years old and takes seven medication daily. My participant, JR had heart bypass surgery, exactly 4 bypasses, on June 1, 2015, due to 90% of his coronary arteries being blocked. For about two weeks prior to the surgery, he could not walk, felt very dizzy, fatigue, and weak. His legs even gave out and he fainted. He then decided to go to the doctors, got lab work done and found out about his coronary arteries were blocked. If he did not have this surgery, he would have died. This eight-hour surgery was a huge reality check for him. After this surgery, he completely changed his lifestyle by not smoking, not drinking, eating healthy and going on walks. Prior to this surgery, JR had and still has type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol for about five years now. As I was talking to him, it was clear that he knew all his medication very adequately especially when to take it, why he takes it and how to take it. He is also fully aware of healthy lifestyle choices. As we were talking I gave some advice to help continue his healthy lifestyle. The interventions I completed based on the medication review with the patient …show more content…

Today he chooses to have a healthy life and control his diabetes. He takes one medication orally for his diabetes, Metformin. JR has a good, healthy diet as well as exercise habits like taking walks with his dog. JR takes seven medication on the daily with three being for his heart, one for his high blood pressure, one for his cholesterol, one for his diabetes and another one to prevent blood clots. After making sure there was no drug to drug interaction between any of this medications, I informed my patient that his medication can not cure diabetes and high blood pressure but control

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