Artificial Intelligence In Robotics

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Introduction The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has myriad definitions. It is commonly described as the ability of a man-made machine to imitate human behaviour. Artificial intelligence is present, at a range of levels, in almost all modern-day technology; all computers and a host of home appliances use AI, in various manners. Robotics, which is an up and coming branch of technology, combines Artificial Intelligence, advanced hardware to create highly innovative machines. The use of such machines ranges from fixing a part in a factory assembly line to a pull sized robot employed in unblocking blood arteries. Sentience is defined as “the capacity for basic consciousness — the ability to feel or perceive” (“Moratorium on “Sentience”). A sentient robot, accordingly, is a robot which is ‘artificially intelligent’, or even human-like. Present-day technology does not extend thus far. However, considering the rate of advancement in said technology, it is widely believed that sentient robotics will be achieved within the next 20 years. Figure 1: Graph of calculations per second vs. the storage capacity (Kenneth, Jane, pg 353 figure 10.22) This leads me to my research question; What are some of the ethical and social issues regarding the progress of Artificial Intelligence in the area of Robotics? This paper, with the aim of answering the above-mentioned research question, first explores the basics of artificial intelligence, and thereafter addresses the associated moral, social and ethical issues. The objective of the content, sourced from relevant articles and various learned opinions is to create solutions, which will then be evaluated and compared in order to assess their potential. Ove... ... middle of paper ... is unlikely, and therefore, the notion of human beings accepting the former as equivalents is both questionable and incongruous. One should not, nevertheless, be so quick to disregard a technology with numerous potential benefits. Artificial intelligence is an extremely important aspect of future technology, and with the rate of advancement in the arena of technology, the development of AI (in it’s entirety) is likely inevitable. The most plausible solution, therefore, is a ‘medium’ solution – one where this technology is advanced at a cautious rate, and where the robots are created with the sole aim of benefitting human society, and not in any competitive or threatening spirit. A caveat presents itself at this point: such technology is easily liable to spiral out of control, and thus necessitates the utmost vigilance and control, both private and governmental.

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