Article Analysis: Preschool And Early Childhood Education

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As someone who is very interested in early childhood education, I found this article to be heartbreaking. I have seen a lot of different preschool and early childhood education settings thus far in my life and they have all been extremely different from one another. Some of the best that I have seen are the ones that allow the children to have freedom and utilize learning through exploration. Given my experiences as a student, an assistant teacher in a 2-3 year-old classroom, and as a field student, I have noticed that the children are more engaged and interested in hands-on learning experiences as opposed to worksheets and rote memorization. Some of the other programs that I have seen constantly drill children on the standards and provide worksheet after worksheet. It breaks my heart to see children get reprimanded for being messy and exploring. I firmly believe that children need to learn through hands-on experiences. This article has just further proven my opinion. …show more content…

I found it significant that it seems as though everyone involved faces a big challenge when it comes to preschool. First, the article mentioned how those who really need high quality preschool are at-risk children; however, in most circumstances, they do not have access to these programs. In my opinion, every child deserves to have access to a high-quality education. This begins with high-quality preschool programs. The article explained high-quality preschool programs need to be child-centered and play-based because that is how children learn foundational skills in the most developmentally appropriate

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