Army Value Of Respect Essay

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As a profession, the Army is granted the privilege of serving the American people and defending their rights and interests only because they confide in us to complete the mission ethically, effectively, and efficiently. To reinforce this bond of trust, our Army must contribute honorable service, military expertise, and responsible stewardship, all while demonstrating courageous esprit de corps.
The Army and we, as leaders, are responsible for building the character of soldiers from a clean slate or something with rough edges. As personnel develops, they are beginning to be molded into a well-rounded Army professional that can execute any order at a moment’s notice. To lead without direction, and improvise when needed and to be the perfect …show more content…

The third value is respect. Respect is defined by the Army as treat people as we want to be treated. With-in the Soldier's Code, we pledge to treat others with dignity and respect while expecting others to do the same. Respect is what allows us to appreciate the best in other people. Respect is trusting that all people have done their jobs and fulfilled their duty. Moreover, self-respect is a major ingredient of the Army value of respect, which results from knowing we have put forth the best effort. The Army is one team, and each one of us can always contribute to it. Also, Respect is one of the easier values to live by because a lot of the soldiers have this trait they were raised with and also coming from many backgrounds everyone understands …show more content…

Integrity is defined as doing what's right, legally, morally, and ethically. Integrity is a quality you develop by having high moral principles. It requires that you do and say nothing that deceives others. As your integrity grows, so does the confidence others place in you. The choices we make based on integrity, and the more highly prized value will affect your relationships with family and friends, and finally the fundamental acceptance of yourself. The final Army Value is personal courage which will finish the LDRSHIP acronym and our

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